Victoria Rd DA’s (submissions due Friday) + Info meeting quick update

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the meeting at Hunters Hill Council last night. We estimate ~150 people came to find out about the Planning Proposal. The sentiment from the meeting was strongly against irresponsible over-development, acknowledging that the development impacting Gladesville is cumulative across both Councils who are each managing their own side of Victoria Rd.

Which brings us to the most urgent issue, being the 3 x DA’s on Victoria Rd for exhibition closing this Friday.

We will come back to the GSV Planning Proposal in coming days to give you more information, but below is the best info that we are able to provide about the 3 x DA’s for which submissions should be made to Council by this Friday 2nd March 2018. Thanks to Gladesville Community Group committee member Richard for his review of the DA’s – and the highlights he was able to identify.

We hope that below is useful to you if you are able to lodge a submissions with your concerns/comments/ other regarding these DA’s, to Hunters Hill Council by THIS FRIDAY Friday 2nd March 2018. Please send separate emails or make separate submissions, so they can be considered specific to each DA to be assessed, to

Please excuse if there are any errors in below, we are amateurs (like most of you) and have had to review these quickly.

DA 20171197 (Gladesville Arcade site)

  1. LEP: Breach of FSR and LEP. The FSR that this DA is seeking is 2.82 vs 2.5 under the LEP. Height at the back of the building facing Massey Lane is proposed to be19m vs 16m as required under the LEP. There is a distinct lack of any justifiable reasonto overdevelop this site.
  2. Traffic Report: No traffic Report has been submitted for this DA, yet envisages the use of Massey Lane as the main access point to the car park.
  3. Car Space: lack of sufficient car spaces and its unclear how retail center will be supported if the council car park at GSV was unavailable.
  4. Amenity: it’s unclear how the existing infrastructure will support the increased population especially the cumulative impact of the other proposed DA.

DA 20171199 (BWS site)

  1. LEP: Breach of FSR and LEP. The FSR that this DA is seeking is 3.31 vs 2.5 under the LEP and the south-west corner of the site breaches the LEP height restrictions of 16m under the LEP.There is a distinct lack of any justifiable reason to overdevelop this site.
  2. DCP has not been adhered to requiring a 5m setback as envisaged under the DCP on level 3 for Vic Rd and level 4 for Massey Lane as a secondary street under the DCP.
  3. Traffic Report: No traffic Report has been submitted for this DA, yet envisages the use of Massey Lane as the main access point to the car park.
  4. Vehicular access inconsistencies: There are discrepancies within the plans of where the Vehicular access to the carparkwill be in the DA being a mix of either the southern or northern entrance from Massey lane.
  5. Car Space: lack of sufficient car spaces and its unclear how retail center will be supported if the council car park at GSV was unavailable.
  6. Amenity: it’s unclear how the existing infrastructure will support the increased population especially the cumulative impact of the other proposed DA.

DA 20171183 (Commonwealth Bank site)

  1. Traffic: This DA at least sought to provide a traffic report, however it is a report completed standalone without consideration of the cumulative effects of the other potential Das. Given the potential increase in traffic from all the DAs this traffic report grossly understates the potential impact. The traffic report also only measured traffic flow on a single day of the year which may or may not reflect the actual average flow into and out of GSV on any given day. The Traffic report assumes that there will be available off space parking at the council car park and GSV and does not take into consideration the other developments – let alone on the key site will remove a significant portion of free council parking.
  2. LEP: To this DA credit, the design seeks to meet the LEP and FSR requirements. The building slants downwards from Vic road in an attempt to meet the height requirements as outlined in the LEP (as opposed to the DA at BSW and the Gladesville Arcade) and provides sensible reasons (i.e. lift well, fire stairs etc.) for when it does breach the height restrictions, further they have consolidated potential height breaches in the middle of the building to reduce footprint on the surrounding area.
  3. Heritage item: This DA has at least sought to maintain the unique Commonwealth Bank art deco design at the front of Victoria Road.
  4. Amenity: it’s unclear how the existing infrastructure will support the increased population especially the cumulative impact of the other proposed DA.